

Frequently asked questions

For businesses

Our coaching format is highly effective as well as time and cost-efficient. Sparrks Coaching is a journey consisting of up to 4 digital 45-minute 1:1 coaching sessions in which the coachee and coach focus on specific, individual soft skills development needs. This makes the format scalable, even across the organization, easy to integrate into existing programs, and non-disruptive for everyday use.
We have the highest quality coach pool on the market. We work exclusively with top executive coaches, who have more than ten years of leadership experience and many years of coaching experience. From this pool, a Sparrks employee identifies the best coach for the respective issue.

  • Short, 45-minute, focused coaching on the individually most relevant development needs in the business skill area
  • Highest quality coach pool on the market; each coach is a proven expert in their particular development need
  • Time- and cost-efficient, thus not disruptive to everyday life
  • Easy to integrate with existing solutions and offer across the organization

In principle, Sparrk's coaching is aimed at all employees in your company who ideally have at least three years of professional experience. For employees who are expected to take on a management position in the future, leadership coaching offers the greatest added value a maximum of six months before promotion. This addresses the target groups that, in our experience, benefit most from it.

  • All employees who have at least approx. 3 years of professional experience
  • For leadership topics: Max. 6 months before promotion

Sparrks Coaching can also be designed variably with regard to the coaching topics. Targeted top-down guidance from supervisors and HR is just as possible as a completely free choice of topics by the user. In our experience, a healthy middle ground with "guidance from above" in combination with personally recognized relevance in the coaching topics leads to the greatest success for employees and companies.

  • Entire range possible, from targeted top-down specification by manager/HR to free choice of topics by user
  • Recommendation: Guidance from above + Personally recognized relevance

All coaches have more than ten years of professional experience in the relevant industries. They have manifested their coaching expertise in more than 2,000 coaching hours. In addition, our coaches are certified by the world's leading coaching associations and have been vetted and tested by us in advance in a rigorous selection process.

  • More than 50 handpicked top executive coaches
  • Strict selection process incl. test coachings
  • More than 10 years of professional experience in the relevant industries
  • More than 2,000 coaching hours
  • Certified by the world's leading coaching associations

Sparrks' Coaching Experts identify the best coach for the respective issue. Factors such as professional experience, industry expertise and thematic excellence play a role. Thanks to automated operations, the first coaching session can take place as early as 48 hours after the request.

  • Matching by Sparrks' Coaching Experts
  • Coach selection is based on professional experience, industry expertise and professional excellence
  • 1st coaching session is already possible after 48h

Our users record a significant and sustainable improvement in their professional skills, partly due to the high level of practical relevance. Sparrks Coaching sessions are designed in such a way that long-term support is not necessary in order to create a great deal of added value, even in a short period of time. On average, our users have improved their skills in the respective area by more than 109% and, without exception, want to continue working with Sparrks. Employers benefit from this immediate impact on their workforce, as employees are significantly more productive, effective and motivated.

  • Sustainable improvement achievable through, e.g., high practical relevance; no long-term support necessary
  • Competence increase by more than 100%

Sparrks Coaching is suitable either as a stand-alone HR development tool or as a complement to leadership development programs. It can also be easily integrated into performance review cycles. Sparrks Coaching offers a special added value in transformations by supporting the decisive component in these projects, the employees, according to their needs and thus positively influencing the change process in many aspects.

  • Leadership development programs (standalone/add-on)
  • Performance review cycles
  • Transformation processes
  • Ad-hoc support

Sparrks Coaching is easy to use, scale, and integrate into an employee's schedule and an organization's existing learning and development efforts. For example, existing leadership development programs can be customized to meet the needs of your leaders with little effort using Sparrks Coaching. Moreover, Sparrks Coaching does not alternate with traditional business coaching. We enable a broader use of business coaching with a targeted focus on soft skills and thus reach target groups, especially junior and middle managers, who are usually excluded from classic business coaching.

  • Sparrks Coaching as an add-on to existing programs
  • Not alternating with classic business coaching, as larger target group due to broader application, focus on junior and middle managers
  • Specific focus on soft skills
  • Make existing programs more personalized as a result


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Portrait einer lachenden Führungskräfte Coaching Expertin