
Lead effectively remotely

Get your virtual teams in top shape.

"Working from Home" is on the rise. Teamwork across different locations poses new challenges for managers and employees. Leadership tasks are being redefined, since supervisors and team members usually communicate only virtually and familiar leadership tools and methods cannot be transferred 1:1 to the virtual world.
Ein Teamleiter praktiziert for einen Laptop Führen auf Distanz anhand Remaote Leadership

100 %


in 48 h

Your first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Define virtual team rules

Develop clear rules and firm agreements and help your team through them to work smoothly and efficiently in a remote environment.

Building trust virtually

Master new strategies for virtual relationship building with teams and individual members.

Organize information flow

Discuss best practices to ensure that information flows optimally within your team.

Find your virtual leadership style

Identify the right level: how much trust is possible, how much control is necessary?

You have any questions?

Talk to one of our coaching experts now

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+49 (0)30 52014961
