
Having difficult conversations

Feedback is a gift for the receiver. Develop your team sustainably through constructive feedback.

Feedback can be enormously valuable for the recipient if it is used correctly. Hardly any other leadership tool promotes the further development of your team more comprehensively. Unimagined potential for improvement is made constructively visible, increased motivation is mobilized.

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Learning goals

Present facts and examples

Make your feedback impactful and comprehensible by providing facts and concrete examples.

Use 'I' statements

Don't hide behind "we" or "you", but stand by your words and evaluations. Find out how I-messages make your feedback authentic.

Establish a feedback culture

Personal growth is subject to constant development. To achieve it, feedback is key. Create an environment where feedback is valued and encouraged.

Structuring the feedback

The order in which individual messages are conveyed plays a crucial role in how your comments are perceived. Learn how to properly structure your feedback.

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