
The Sparrks Coaches

A hand-picked pool of experienced executive coaches

At Sparrks we only work with the best business coaches: At least 10 years of leadership experience, many years of coaching experience and certification by the world's leading coaching associations.

A Sparrks Business Coach is havin a coaching session
BDVT logo
European Coaching Association (ECA)logo
European mentorin & coaching council logo
DVTC logo
International coaching federation (ICF) logo
deutscher coaching verband (DCV) logo
Association for Coaching (AC) logo

The best coaches for your employees' development needs

Selection of our coaches

All our coaches go through a multi-stage selection process before they are assigned.

1. Initial screening
  • Leadership experience: 10+ years of relevant leadership and industry experience outside of coaching
  • Coaching expertise: Over 2,000 hours of coaching experience each
  • Certification: By the world's leading coaching associations
2. In-depth 1:1 selection interviews with our experienced coach managers, who are systemic business coaches themselves

3. Test coaching sessions with experienced managers from our partner companies

Quality assurance

After being accepted into our coach pool, we continuously measure the performance of our coaches and are in close contact with them in order to guarantee excellent coaching quality without exception. This includes, among other things:
  • Continuous, detailed qualitative and quantitative feedback from coachees. Only those who receive excellent feedback remain in the coach pool
  • Regular 1:1 discussions between coach and coach manager
  • Experience and best practice sharing events with our coach community
  • Individual training and supervision


In addition to the thematic focus, effective format and excellent quality of the coaches, the matching of coachees and coaches is crucial to the success of the coaching.

We have developed a sophisticated process in which our coach managers identify the best coach for a coachee and his/her concerns from our pool based on the individual coaching concern, socio-demographic factors and other data points. As a result, our coachees are delighted with their coaches and we can offer a coach satisfaction guarantee: No billing if the coachee is not 100% satisfied..

Auswahl unserer Coaches, Qualitätssicherung und Matching

Auswahl unserer Coaches: Alle unsere Coaches durchlaufen einen mehrstufigen Auswahlprozess, bevor sie eingesetzt werden

  1. Erstscreening
    • Führungserfahrung: 10+ Jahre relevante Führungs- und Industrieerfahrung außerhalb Coachings
    • Coaching-Kompetenz: Jeweils über 2.000 Stunden Coaching-Erfahrung
    • Zertifizierung: Durch die weltweit führenden Coaching Verbände
  2. Tiefgehende 1:1 Auswahlgespräche mit unseren erfahrenen Coach-Managern, die selbst systemische Business Coaches sind
  3. Test-Coachings mit erfahrenen Führungskräften unserer Partnerunternehmen

Qualitätssicherung: After being accepted into our coach pool, we continuously measure the performance of our coaches and are in close contact with them in order to guarantee excellent coaching quality without exception. This includes, among other things:

  • Continuous, detailed qualitative and quantitative feedback from coachees. Only those who receive excellent feedback remain in the coach pool
  • Regular 1:1 discussions between coach and coach manager
  • Experience and best practice sharing events with our coach community
  • Individuelle Weiterbildung und Supervision

Matching: In addition to the thematic focus, effective format and excellent quality of the coaches, the Matching von Coachees und Coaches ausschlaggebend. Wir haben einen sophistizierten Prozess entwickelt, in dem unsere Coach-Manager basierend auf dem individuellen Coaching Anliegen, soziodemografischen Faktoren und weiteren Datenpunkten den besten Coach für einen Coachee und sein/ihr Anliegen aus unserem Pool identifizieren. Im Resultat sind unsere Coachees von ihren Coaches begeistert und wir können eine Coach-Zufriedenheitsgarantie geben: Keine Abrechnung, wenn Coachee nicht 100% zufrieden.

A global network of experienced coaches with local expertise

Our world-class pool of over 250 certified top business coaches spans 6 continents and offers our users coaching in more than 20 languages. We guarantee you access to coaches whose local expertise and cultural sensitivity will provide your employees with the best possible support.

Unternehmen, die auf Sparrks Coaches setzen:

Audi logo
Rotkäppchen Mumm Logo
Zalando logo
Hilti logo
Trumpf Logo
Sennder logo

Have access to our pool of 250+ hand-picked executive coaches.

A small selection:

Here's what our coaches say about Sparrks:

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