
Building a business network effectively

Foster the power of a strong network.

Foster the power of a strong network.

Everyone is talking about networking, but exactly which components are necessary for it to have a far reaching impact? When fostered correctly, there is no substitute for personal contacts.

Our network building coaching will help individuals learn the art of building a strategic, yet authentic network in order to secure allies, promote shared knowledge, gain valuable feedback, and build their career on a foundation of trust and shared values. Coachees will dive into the most vital components of effective networking and begin to grow and deepen business relationships.

Networking ist in aller Munde, doch welche Komponenten sind genau notwendig, damit es weitreichende Wirkung entfalten kann? Bei richtiger Förderung sind persönliche Kontakte durch nichts zu ersetzen. Unser Coaching zum Netzwerkaufbau hilft Coachees dabei, die Kunst zu erlernen, ein strategisches und dennoch authentisches Netzwerk aufzubauen, um Verbündete zu gewinnen, gemeinsames Wissen zu fördern, wertvolles Feedback zu erhalten und ihre Karriere auf einer Grundlage von Vertrauen und gemeinsamen Werten aufzubauen. Coachees werden sich mit den wichtigsten Komponenten einer effektiven Vernetzung befassen und beginnen, Geschäftsbeziehungen auszubauen und zu vertiefen.

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Building networks

Coachees will learn to identify relevant influential peers and develop strategies to incorporate such peers into their overall network.

Timing it right

Timing is everything. Coaches will help individuals understand when to offer or ask for support.

Maintaining contacts

Securing allies is one thing, maintaining those relationships is another. Managers will be coached on how to maintain and deepen existing personal contacts.

Leveraging events

Organized events provide an excellent networking opportunity. Coachees will learn to get the most out of networking events and make targeted, valuable contacts.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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