
Overcoming self-damaging patterns

Overcoming self-damaging patterns to unleash full potential.

Overcoming self-damaging patterns to unleash full potential.

The world is full of opportunities. Sometimes, however, we can get in our own way and hinder our own successes. Yet, with the right strategies, individuals can overcome self-defeating patterns and develop their full potential.

Coaching to overcome self-damaging patterns and to build confidence is a smart way of breaking free from mental blockage. Our solution ensures the benefits of personal improvement without the prejudice involved in interventionist methods.

Die Welt ist voller Möglichkeiten. Manchmal können wir uns jedoch selbst im Weg stehen und unseren eigenen Erfolg behindern. Doch mit den richtigen Strategien können Coachees selbstzerstörerische Muster überwinden und ihr volles Potenzial entfalten. Coaching zur Überwindung selbstschädigender Muster und zum Aufbau von Selbstvertrauen ist eine clevere Möglichkeit, sich von mentalen Blockaden zu befreien. Unsere Lösung gewährleistet die Vorteile persönlicher Verbesserung ohne die Vorurteile, die mit interventionistischen Methoden einhergehen.

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Recognizing behavioral patterns

Managers will be better equipped to identify self-damaging patterns and situations in which they occur.

Conducting cost-assessment

Coachees will become aware of the cost of their self-defeating patterns.

Applying positive thinking

Leaders will be able to replace self-inhibiting thought patterns with routines that empower and inspire.


Coachees will learn to activate their inherent strengths and authentically increase their self-confidence.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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