
Improving debating skills

Improving debating skills to deliver convincing arguments.

Improving debating skills to deliver convincing arguments.

We all have to present or argue at one point or another. Leaders need to do so effectively. Often we forget that “how” we convey a message is just as important as “what” that message is. 

Our debate coaching journey takes into consideration the specific power dynamics at work to help people effectively deliver their points. Whether it be a board meeting, fund-raiser, or a sales pitch, an engaging speaker will captivate their audience and convince colleagues. 

Our coaches will help your leaders communicate their vision, tell a compelling story and move the company forward in a meaningful way. To master such skills, enroll your leaders in our debate coaching program.

Wir alle präsentieren und debattieren irgendwann. Führungskräfte müssen dies effektiv tun. Oft vergessen wir, dass „wie“ wir eine Botschaft vermitteln, genauso wichtig ist wie „was“ diese Botschaft ist.  Unser Rhetorik verbessern Coaching berücksichtigt die spezifischen Dynamiken, die am Werk sind und hilft Führungskräften dabei, ihre Argumente effektiv zu präsentieren und zu vertreten. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um eine Vorstandssitzung, ein Team Meeting oder ein Verkaufsgespräch handelt – ein engagierter Redner und Debattierer wird sein Publikum fesseln und andere überzeugen.  Unsere Coaches helfen Ihren Führungskräften im Rhetorik verbessern Coaching, ihre Vision zu kommunizieren, eine fesselnde Geschichte zu erzählen und das Unternehmen sinnvoll voranzubringen.

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Conveying key messages

Communication is most effective when straightforward. Coachees will learn how to be clear and concise in their argumentation.

Mastering work dynamics

Being taken seriously by your counterpart is not always easy. Coachees will master the art of navigating power dynamics while arguing their case.

Structuring the argumentation

Presenting something in a structured way is a skill that individuals can learn. Coachees will learn to structure argumentation to effortlessly and coherently convey a message.

Highlighting a message’s relevance

Communicating the message is one thing; highlighting its relevance to the recipient is another. Coachees will explore ways of emphasizing the importance of what they have to say in order to rally colleagues around a common cause.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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