
Communicating effectively online

Presenting and communicating effectively online.

Presenting and communicating effectively online.

Nowadays, video conferencing stands at the center of communication. As such, online communication coaching is a smart solution for those seeking to improve their video conferencing skills to engage their audience. Despite the virtual experience becoming increasingly more seamless, other factors come into play when a manager and team communicate online. Compared to in-person interactions, people tend to behave differently during online meetings. 

Understanding the different dynamics of online communication will help a coachee implement a virtual meeting etiquette that’s beneficial to the quality of the discussion. With the help of our online communication coaching solution, coachees will learn to inspire their virtual audience with a confident presentation optimally adapted to the online format.

Videokonferenzen stehen heutzutage häufig im Mittelpunkt der Kommunikation. So ist Coaching für Online-Kommunikationsfähigkeiten eine intelligente Lösung für diejenigen, die ihre Videokonferenzfähigkeiten verbessern möchten, um ihr Publikum anzusprechen. Auch wenn das virtuelle Erlebnis zunehmend nahtloser wird, spielen bei der Online-Kommunikation noch andere Faktoren eine Rolle. Im Vergleich zu persönlichen Interaktionen verhalten sich Menschen bei Online-Meetings tendenziell anders.  Das Verständnis der unterschiedlichen Dynamiken der Online-Kommunikation hilft Coachees dabei, ihren Standard für virtuelle Besprechungen zu entwickeln, der sich positiv auf die Qualität der Diskussion auswirkt. Mit Hilfe unseres effektiv online kommunizieren Coachings lernen Coachees, ihr virtuelles Publikum mit einer souveränen, optimal auf das Online-Format abgestimmten Präsentation zu begeistern.

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Learning goals

Optimizing the setup

Coachees will learn to use their physical space for virtual persuasion and put themselves in the best possible light.

Maintaining engagement

Maintaining the arc of tension and developing strategies to maximize engagement and attention from the virtual audience is another learning goal for coachees.

Optimizing visualizations

In a virtual environment, the presentation document becomes more prominent. Coachees will learn to make it visually easy for their virtual audience to follow their content.

Ensuring accountability

In video conferences, most success occurs when responsibilities and next steps are clearly defined. Coachees will examine the most successful techniques for mastering this process virtually.

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