
How to find work-life balance

Work-life balance is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle. However, what works for one person may not work for another. The unique nature of our lives and responsibilities means that finding work-life balance looks different for everyone. To find work-life balance today means focusing on your priorities and not those of others. That may mean working from home while caring for a newborn, spending time with friends instead of studying, or taking a break from work when on holiday.

Why work-life balance matters

Enhancing work-life balance can potentially improve your overall well-being. Studies have shown that working long hours can lead to bad health conditions such as depression, impaired sleep, and heart disease. These conditions can exacerbate our work-life issues, leading to burnout and other negative repercussions.

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While some believe that long work hours translate to increased productivity, research otherwise. After a certain number of hours, productivity begins to fall, and the potential for mistakes and injuries increases. Therefore, achieving a healthy work-life balance can reduce stress, improve emotional states, and increase productivity and bottom line.

How to find work-life balance

In this article, we have gathered helpful tips to enhance your work-life balance. You can start by experimenting with them one at a time or tackling a few simultaneously. Remember that finding the right approach for you is a gradual journey that requires patience and time.

Prioritize your time

The first step in achieving work-life balance is to prioritize your time. Creating a list of your most important personal and professional goals and responsibilities can help you manage your time effectively. Be realistic about what you can achieve in a given day or week, and avoid overcommitting yourself.

By prioritizing your time, you can invest the necessary time and attention to your goals and responsibilities, which will help you achieve your desired work-life balance. For instance, if you are trying to complete a project at work by the end of the week and, at the same time, want to spend time with your family, you need to allocate time for both. You can set aside fixed daily hours to work on the project and ensure it does not interfere with your family time. Make the most of your time and avoid distractions that may hinder your productivity.

Several resources can assist you in mastering the art of prioritization. For example, Bryan Tracy's book "Eat the Frog" provides practical strategies for tackling your most important tasks first. Additionally, you can seek professional guidance through business coaching programs focused on improving productivity, such as our "Boost work productivity" coaching at Sparrks. These resources can offer valuable insights and techniques for enhancing your ability to prioritize effectively, leading to a better work-life balance.

Take care of your health

Your health is your most valuable asset. However, taking care of yourself is essential for overall well-being and success. Exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind in shape. It does not have to be intense or time-consuming; just a few minutes each day can make a difference.

For those looking for a good resource for quick workouts for varying fitness levels, Darebee is an excellent, free option. Its instructions are easy to comprehend, accompanied by illustrations for further clarity.

Eating healthy is also crucial for maintaining good health. That means avoiding processed foods and consuming more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

Sleep is another critical factor in maintaining good health. Adults should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and other health issues

Set boundaries

It is easy to get caught up in the never-ending work cycle, always on the clock and always available to your team. However, as a leader, you should understand that work-life balance is crucial to your well-being. Setting boundaries allows you to achieve this balance. You need to be able to switch off and step away from work to spend quality time with your loved ones. 

Turning off your phone during family time is one of the most effective ways to set boundaries. It may seem simple, but it can make a huge difference. Another way of setting boundaries is to prioritize your schedule and say no to meetings that can wait. Do not feel obliged to attend every event. Just learn to distinguish between what is essential and what is not. Lastly, delegate tasks when possible. You cannot do everything yourself, and it is okay to seek help from your team.

Make time for family and friends

We often forget the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones. However, studies have shown that socialization and spending time with family and friends are essential to our mental and emotional well-being. So, schedule time for family dinners, date nights, and time with friends. These moments provide a much-needed break from work stress and help us recharge. 

Spending time with loved ones can give us a sense of belonging, comfort, and support. It can also help us develop stronger relationships, make new connections, and lead, in turn, to a healthier mind. Therefore, we should make time for family and friends despite our busy lives. Whether it is a simple dinner at home or a weekend getaway, prioritize these moments. You will reap the benefits in no time. The time spent with family and friends never goes to waste, but it serves your mental and emotional well-being.


Creating a good work-life balance is not a one-time task. It requires constant attention, reflection, and refinement. You may have found a routine that works today, but as your life evolves, so will the demands on your time, priorities, and goals. Therefore, you should regularly pause, reflect, and assess whether your work-life state is at its correct balance.

Reflection helps you to identify pain points and refine your approach to achieve a better balance. It is easy to get complacent and lose sight of why you started striving for work-life balance in the first place. But, by reflecting on your progress, you can stay motivated, celebrate your successes, and identify areas that need improvement. Remember, achieving a sustainable work-life balance is a continuous journey, and the key to success is to reflect, refine, and repeat.

What to do next?

If you want to find a healthy work-life balance that works for you, consider taking Sparrks’ work-life balance coaching now. This coaching will give you the tools to make effective changes in your work and personal life. Additionally, you may discover healthier paths to achieve career goals.

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FAQ: Find work-life balance

Is it appropriate to ask about work-life balance at work?

Yes, it is acceptable to inquire about work-life balance and discuss ways to achieve it within your job.

How to request work-life balance at work?

Approach your supervisor or HR department and express your desire to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Explain to them the benefits, emphasizing how it can enhance your productivity and well-being. Propose specific adjustments or accommodations that would allow you to effectively manage your personal and professional responsibilities, ensuring both get equal attention.

What is an unhealthy work-life balance?

An unhealthy work-life balance includes an excessive focus on work at the expense of personal well-being and relationships. It may involve long working hours, high levels of stress, and neglecting self-care activities or commitments outside of work. This imbalance can lead to burnout, strained relationships, and worsened mental and physical health.