
Presenting persuasively in front of an audience

Engaging an audience with presentations and speeches.

Engaging an audience with presentations and speeches.

Being a strong public speaker is crucial to being a strong leader. While none would doubt the plain importance of a meaningful message, we rarely pay enough attention to how that message can be delivered. Public speaking is a crucial skill many of us never learn. 

Our public speaking coaching will help individuals learn to overcome any public speaking fear to engage their audience through confident, persuasive talking points that highlight their expertise, competence and charisma. Coachees will learn how to maximize the impact of their verbal communication through proper rehearsal techniques, intelligent structuring, and powerful body language.

Um eine starke Führungskraft zu sein, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, ein starker Redner zu sein. Obwohl niemand an der Bedeutung von relevantem Inhalt zweifeln würde, achten wir zu selten darauf, wie diese Botschaft übermittelt werden kann. Öffentliches Reden und begeisternd vor Publikum Präsentationen zu halten, ist eine entscheidende Fähigkeit, die viele von uns nie erlernen.  Unser Präsentationen halten Coaching hilft Individuen, ihre Angst vor öffentlichen Reden zu überwinden und ihr Publikum durch selbstbewusste, überzeugende Punkte zu fesseln, die ihr Fachwissen, ihre Kompetenz und ihr Charisma hervorheben. Die Coachees lernen, wie sie die Wirkung ihrer verbalen Kommunikation durch geeignete Probentechniken, intelligente Strukturierung und kraftvolle Körpersprache maximieren können.

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Overcoming public speaking fears

Individuals will learn how to confront and overcome stage fright and other presentation-related fears.

Coming prepared

A presentation is only as good as its speaker. Coachees will learn how to prepare their voices and inspire audiences with energy and positivity.

Structuring the presentation

Learn key components of a good presentation and the dos and don’ts of public speaking.

Using the right body language

Facial expressions and gestures reveal more than we often realize. Therefore, our coaches will help individuals become more aware of their body language and use them to add depth to their communications.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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