
Master the Transition from Colleague to Boss

With our highly-effective coaching journey, stepping into a new leadership role becomes easier.

With our highly-effective coaching journey, stepping into a new leadership role becomes easier.

Whether managing a team or running a company, stepping into a new leadership role can be daunting. Career leaps are often coupled with many new and unexpected challenges, however, with the right guidance, leaders can lean into suitable traits and develop strategies to accommodate new dynamics and demands. 

Successfully stepping into a new leadership role: Changes to any organizational structure require sensitivity, respect and transparency. In this coaching journey, coachees will dissect and understand their new role, define their goals, explore potential roadblocks, and devise useful strategies.

Ob ein Team leiten oder ein Unternehmen leiten, eine neue Führungsrolle zu übernehmen, kann entmutigend sein. Karrieresprünge gehen oft mit vielen neuen und unerwarteten Herausforderungen einher.  Mit der richtigen Begleitung können Führungskräfte jedoch auf nützliche Eigenschaften zurückgreifen und Strategien entwickeln, um den neuen Dynamiken und Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Veränderungen in jeder Organisationsstruktur erfordern Sensibilität, Respekt und Transparenz. Auf dieser Coaching-Reise werden die Coachees ihre neue Rolle als Führungskraft analysieren und verstehen, ihre Ziele definieren, potenzielle Hindernisse erkunden und nützliche Strategien entwickeln.

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Establishing the new position

Coachees will learn to establish their new standing within the organization.

Understanding the new role

Transitions can lead to confusion about one’s role. Along with our coaches, individuals will define their role and responsibilities as a leader as well as outline their goals.

Exploring personal fears and hopes

Coaches will help individuals explore their approach to role change. Coachees will learn to recognize their fears and areas of discomfort and internalize coping strategies to rise to the challenge.

Developing communication strategies

Promotion may be perceived negatively by some. Coachees will identify sensitivities, recognize hurdles and develop eloquent communication strategies.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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