
Sparrks Business Coaching

Sparrks Business Coaching

The online coaching platform - We help people and companies to develop their potential quickly & efficiently. High-quality 1:1 business coaching for employees at all career levels by top executive coaches.

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What is Sparrks Coaching

Rethink people development with our innovative Sparrks Coaching approach.

Tailored professional development in two concise 1:1 digital coaching sessions with a top executive coach. Effective, practical, and powerful.

How it works

1st coaching session


45 minutes

  • Intuitive and quick booking
  • Case-specific prep
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Practice phase

In action

~2 Weeks

  • Personalized
  • Insightful reflections

2nd coaching session

Internalize knowledge

45 minutes

  • Summary of
    key learnings
  • Next steps

3./4 Coaching-Session

Ensure lasting results

Each 45 Minutes

  • Deepen and anchor knowledge
Sparrks Coaching “Reguläres” Online Business Coaching
Coaching Ansatz
Coaching mit Fokus auf jeweils ein konkretes Entwicklungsziel

Lösungsorientierter Ansatz mit Trainings-, Sparring- und Coaching-Elementen
Eher allgemeiner Coaching Ansatz

Traditioneller, fragenbasierter und systemischer Coaching Ansatz
Format und Timing
2 bis 4 digitale Einzelcoaching Sessions über
einen Zeitraum von 4 bis 8 Wochen

Die erste Session kann bereits 48 Stunden nach der Buchung stattfinden
8 bis 16 digitale Coaching Sessions über einen Zeitraum von 6 bis 12 Monaten

Die Buchung und Auswahl der Coaches dauert in der Regel mehrere Tage
Exklusiver Pool von ~75 handverlesen Top Executive Coaches, welche wir persönlich
kennen und empfehlen
Großer Pool von >1000 Coaches
High Potentials, junge Führungskräfte und Manager
Executives und ausgewählte Führungskräfte
⅓ der Kosten traditioneller Coaching-
Programme dank des prägnanten und effektiven Sparrks Coaching-Formats
Hohe Kosten aufgrund der Länge des Programms

The numbers speak for themselves – Sparrks Coaching works:

  • Average user capability improvement of 83%
  • 97% of users want to use Sparrks again
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Our business coaches

We exclusively work with the most experienced executive coaches.

Click on an image to view the profile


Large pool of hand-picked and tested top executive coaches


2,000+ coaching hours


10+ years relevant industry/ leadership experience outside business coaching


Respectful and optimistic mindset


BDVT logo
European Coaching Association (ECA)logo
European mentorin & coaching council logo
DVTC logo
International coaching federation (ICF) logo
deutscher coaching verband (DCV) logo
Association for Coaching (AC) logo

Key Features

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Scalable plug and play solution to adress organizational needs

Flawless integration into existing learning & development programs

Practical coaching method with immediate positive impact

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Non-disruptive towards daily operations

Real-time actionable data analyses

  • Real-time utilization overview

  • Quantitative and qualitative feedback

  • Detailed breakdown of the skill increase

  • ​ Insight into future coaching needs of your employees

Customer feedback

Our users experience significant, sustainable results. And come back for new topics.


increased competence after Sparrks Coaching

for more

want to continue using Sparrks Coaching

Coach fit
and quality

of our coaches

Format and

rating of the

Areas of application

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Performance Management

Used to systematically address individual development needs, e.g. according to review cycles
  • Customized, highly effective employee development
  • Retention of top performers
  • Improved team performance

Leadership journey

Embedded in development programs, e.g. for young managers
  • Targeted development of leadership skills
  • Increased motivation & enjoyment of leadership role
  • Targeted processing of individual concerns
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Change Management

Deployed in the context of change processes, e.g. mergers or reorganizations
  • Increased acceptance, motivation and retention
  • Targeted up-skilling/ re-skilling of key personnel
  • Rapid implementation of change processes

Data security and protection

We take data security very seriously and guarantee data privacy and confidentiality. You can find more information about our Sparrks data security guidelines here.

GDPR logo

Our website meets the requirements of the GDPR / DSGVO. All user data is encrypted with state of the art algorithms.

SSL Secure connection logo

SPARRKS is SSL-certified and works exclusively via SSL-encrypted connections to ensure maximum data security.

Sparrked your interest?


Bernd Köpke

Professional Experience: Bernd supports talents and executives as a business coach since 2003. His clients benefit from his 10 years of experience as managing director of a consultancy firm. In the context of Sparrks Coaching, his expertise, professionalism, and dedication help executives and talents to thrive at their workplace and become more effective leaders. Bernd is widely appreciated for his ability to discover and foster the best within his clients.

Education: Bernd is trained and certified as a systemic coach (DVNLP) as well as a business coach for systemic short-term interventions. Among others, he is certified by and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Juliane Hielscher

Professional Experience Lösungsorientierung, Ressourcenaktivierung und Wertschätzung - auf diesen drei Grundpfeilern steht Juliane Kunden seit 15 Jahren in herausfordernden beruflichen Situationen zur Seite. Ihre Grundüberzeugung: Veränderungen und Verbesserungen sind jederzeit möglich. Mit großer Methodenvielfalt unterstützt sie Menschen in Phasen der Selbstreflexion und Neupositionierung. Ihre journalistischen Fähigkeiten, inkl. >2000 Live Sendungen bei öffentlich rechtlichen und privaten TV Anstalten, helfen ihr dabei, wesentliche Informationen schnell zu erfassen und sich in branchenspezifische Szenarien einzuarbeiten.

Education: Juliane is an ECA (European Coaching Association) certified Systemic Business and Management Coach as well as a certified media trainer. She regularly applies her know-how in professional magazines, publications and speeches.


Dr. Till Reichert

Professional Experience Till verfügt über je 10 Jahre Erfahrung als Hochschuldozent für Management & Wirtschaftspsychologie sowie als Unternehmensberater (zuletzt als Partner). Als erfahrener Executive Coach unterstützt er seine Klienten im Rahmen seiner Power Coaching Sessions durch humorvolle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe, ehrliches Feedback und gezielte Impulse in ihren Wachstumsprozessen. Kurzum: Till setzt positive Energie bei seinem Gegenüber frei.

Education: Till holds a doctorate in economics and is a certified teaching and business coach (Dr. Björn Migge), as well as a certized business trainer BDVT (Christa Mesnaric, Michl Group). In addition he is trained in provocative therapy (Dr. E. Noni Höfner, DIP


Tina Zinsmeister

Professional Experience Tina has more than 15 years of experience as HR Business Partner in various national and international companies in the consumer goods industry. Since 2010, she has successfully supported clients as a coach to increase their performance, effectiveness and well-being. Tina generates her success in power coaching through her positive attitude, enthusiasm and deep methodological skills.

Education: Tina holds an M.A. in Political Science and has been a trained coach since 2010. In addition, she regularly completes further training and is certified in various personality tools and as a Sustainable Business Transformation Manager.


Bernhard Zimmermann

Professional Experience: Bernhard has been successfully working as a coach for managers and executives for over 15 years - both nationally and internationally. His clients benefit from his many years of management experience in a global FMCG group. His extensive experience enables him to comprehend complex issues and to quickly develop new thought patterns and solutions together with his clients. His work is characterized by a high level of professionalism and appreciation for the individual.

Education: Bernhard holds a degree in process engineering and is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (IFC). He has been committed to quality assurance in coaching for many years and, among other things, served as president of ICF Germany for four years.


Dr. Alexander Kirchner

Professional Experience: Alexander has been holding seminars on rhetoric, dialectics and conflict management for over 20 years. As an executive coach, he focuses on leadership and effectiveness with clients hailing from all industries, including politics. He completed his doctorate on "Rhetoric and Credibility" and has written various books and essays, most recently #rhetoric for Handelsblatt Fachmedien.

Education: Alexander is a trained group analyst/group dynamist (DGGO) as well as supervisor/coach/teaching supervisor (DGSV) and organizational consultant. In addition, he completed various advanced training courses on the subjects of conflict management, systemic consulting, and life coaching.


Dr. Claudia Sorg-Barth

Professional Experience Claudia has twenty years of experience in personnel development and training and has been supporting executives and organizations as a business coach since 2009. Her manner is clear, open and effective. With optimism, humor and a contagious enthusiasm, she creates a trusting atmosphere and encourages her counterpart to achieve the best for themselves.

Education: Claudia is trained as a systemic coach (DCV recognized) and communication trainer. She is well versed in numerous tools (Schulz von Thun, SySt and ISMZ) and is also a Certified Coach LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER® and DISG® Trainer.


Susanne Hansen

Professional Experience Susanne has been working successfully as a coach for managers and executives for 20 years, as well as accompanying companies through change processes. Her clients benefit from many years of leadership experience in personnel management for an international financial group. Susanne generates her success with a high level of professionalism, appreciation for people, and an entrepreneurial attitude. She won the renowned HR Excellence Award for outstanding achievements in personnel management and was named "TOP CONSULTANT".

Education: Susanne is a trained master in business coaching, a consultant for organizational development as well as an expert in system constellations, and in new work/agile methods. She regularly contributes her know-how to specialist journals and lectures.


Philip Botha

Professional Experience Philip has held various management positions throughout his career, including co-founder and managing director of Headspace PR, marketing director of Yahoo! Germany, and vice president of Consumer and Commercial Marketing at Universal Music International. Philip started coaching in 2005 and since then has supported more than 2,500 executives. The ability to empower his counterpart in both a challenging and supportive role enables his clients to identify and unlock their full potential during their Sparrks Coaching sessions.

Education: Philip holds a Bachelor's of Commerce (Hon) degree in business administration from the University of Pretoria. He is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF) as well as a Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC) through the Coaches Training Institute in London and San Francisco.