Leading a team successfully is more challenging than ever. On the one hand, managers today are confronted with the fact that employees are making new demands on the organization of their work. On the other hand, leaders must learn to deal with new external factors, such as driving digital transformation.
All too often, managers find themselves in a role with which they feel overwhelmed. The result: frustration that quickly spreads to the entire team and leads to a drop in performance. In this article, we present 6 problems that can be effectively solved through targeted executive coaching.
Delegating Tasks
Many managers find it difficult to delegate tasks, projects, or responsibilities to one or more team members. But delegating is essential to have enough time for team management and other complex tasks.

Feedback to Employees
One-on-one meetings with employees are crucial for a productive working atmosphere. However, these discussions are often neglected because the manager does not have enough time. This can negatively impact the entire team's performance because individuals may not feel valued enough.
Helping Employees achieve their Goals
If employees don't reach their goals or miss deadlines, it immediately falls back on the manager. It must therefore be ensured that every team member achieves the set goals. If it is foreseeable that this is not the case, the cause must be found and solutions sought. This requires regular meetings.
It is beneficial to establish an open-door policy. This means that employees are encouraged to seek help immediately when a seemingly unsolvable problem arises.
Special Appreciation of Top Performers
Top performers who are willing to do above-average work must experience an exceptionally high level of appreciation from their manager. In this way, the bond between employees and the company is strengthened over the long term, and it is ensured that they also want to perform at a high level in the future. Nevertheless, managers often find it challenging to recognize the achievements of employees who perform above average adequately. There is also a risk that open recognition will make other employees feel unappreciated and thus demotivated.
Better Work-Life Balance for Employees
A good work-life balance is necessary for employees to feel comfortable. Both the company and the manager must accommodate their employees in this regard. For the manager, this means explicitly being flexible in work planning and distributing tasks.
The best possible consideration must also be given to the exceptional private circumstances of each team member. In addition, as a general rule, no decisions should be made over someone's head.
Especially since 2020, the coronavirus has changed the way people live and work.
Dealing with Low-Performers
Low-Performers who regularly underperform at their work pose a particular challenge for managers. Creating a performance improvement plan can be a first step in motivating the team member to perform better.
Sparrks offers effective coaching for executives.
Vielleicht sehen Sie sich mit einem oder mehreren dieser Probleme konfrontiert und Sie möchten die leitenden Angestellten Ihres Unternehmens weiterentwickeln. Dann kann das von Sparrks entwickelte Coaching für Führungskräfte Sie mithilfe zahlreicher Coaching Tools dabei unterstützen.Hier können Sie zwischen mehreren coaching topics whereby the following facts are of particular interest for executives:
- Lead confidently and effectively
- Delegate effectively
- Developing high-performing teams
- Lead effectively remotely
- Master the Transition from Colleague to Boss
- Effective conflict resolution coaching
Sparrks' Executive Coaching begins with a 45-minute session. Here, a problematic situation is analyzed, and a corresponding solution strategy is developed. It is then the task of the manager to implement the approach developed in the coaching process in everyday working life within the next two weeks.
The next phase is coaching. In a second 45-minute session, the previously developed measures are reflected on. It is jointly assessed to what extent the approaches developed have contributed to solving the problem and which measures could be helpful in the future. In a 30 minute demo call we can advise you further on this subject.
If you would like to learn more about leadership skills: In our article "Leadership skills - 6 soft skills a competent leader needs" we go into more detail about crucial soft skills for leaders.

FAQ: Coaching for executives
Why do CEOs need coaching?
CEOs need coaching to go through a reality check on their otherwise blurry view, expand their skill set, get unbiased insights, improve their productivity, and trigger beneficial spillover effects from a coached CEO.
What do CEOs struggle with most?
Some common challenges CEOs face include making unpopular decisions, overseeing former peers, leading change, managing the outgoing CEO, and, depending on culture, distinguishing themselves from the legacy of past CEOs.
How long does a coaching session for executives last?
A coaching session for executives commonly lasts from 45 minutes to one hour.