
Having difficult conversations

Coaching leaders on having difficult conversations by focusing on the power of feedback.

Coaching leaders on having difficult conversations by focusing on the power of feedback.

Our coaching topic "Having difficult conversations" addresses the particular challenge faced by leaders who need to have tough talks and give constructive feedback. 

Our experienced coaches assist leaders in conducting feedback conversations in a professional and effective manner, with a focus not only on communicating criticism but also identifying potentials and strengthening team members. 

By providing targeted feedback, this coaching journey helps managers develop their team sustainably and increase motivation. Feedback, when used correctly, can be immensely valuable for the receiver. Few other leadership tools foster team development as comprehensively as having difficult conversations and constructive feedback.

Für Führungskräfte kann es eine besondere Herausforderung sein, schwierige Gespräche zu führen und konstruktives Feedback zu geben. Genau hier setzt unser Coaching Thema „Schwierige Gespräche führen“ an.  Unsere erfahrenen Coaches unterstützen Führungskräfte dabei, Feedback-Gespräche professionell und zielführend zu gestalten. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Vermittlung von Kritik, sondern auch um das Erkennen von Potenzialen und das Fördern von Stärken.  Durch gezieltes Feedback können Führungskräfte ihr Team nachhaltig weiterentwickeln und die Motivation steigern. Denn Feedback kann enorm wertvoll für den Empfänger sein, wenn es richtig eingesetzt wird. Kaum ein anderes Leadership Tool fördert die Weiterentwicklung eines Teams umfassender.

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Learning goals

Presenting facts and examples

Coachees will learn to make their feedback understandable and impactful by providing facts and concrete examples.

Using “I” statements

Our coachees don’t have to hide behind “we” or “you” but stand by their words and evaluations. They’ll find out how “I” statements make their feedback authentic.

Establishing an open feedback culture

Personal growth is subject to constant development. Feedback is the key to achieving such personal growth. Coachees will learn to create an environment where feedback is valued and encouraged.

Structuring the feedback

The order in which individual messages get through plays a crucial role in how a person’s comments are perceived. Coachees will learn how to structure their feedback for positive impact.

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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