
Virtual leadership

With our virtual leadership coaching coachees learn how to lead effectively remotely.

With our virtual leadership coaching coachees learn how to lead effectively remotely.

When organizations move from a traditional workplace model to remote work or hybrid work arrangements, leaders will have to redefine their strategies to hire and develop productive and successful teams. With this newfound autonomy, individual members of a team acquire a greater sense of agency and if guided correctly, will have a greater impact on the success of an organization. 

Since most if not all communications occur online, leaders will learn to build relationships and trust virtually, while enabling their teams to take initiative, solve problems, and deliver successful outcomes.

Wenn Unternehmen von einem traditionellen Arbeitsplatzmodell zu Remote-Arbeit oder hybriden Arbeitsmodellen übergehen, müssen Führungskräfte ihre Strategien zur Einstellung und Entwicklung produktiver und erfolgreicher Teams neu definieren. Mit der neu gewonnenen Autonomie erlangen einzelne Mitglieder eines Teams ein größeres Gefühl der Entscheidungsfreiheit und können bei richtiger Führung einen größeren Einfluss auf den Erfolg einer Organisation haben. Da die meiste, wenn nicht sogar die gesamte Kommunikation online stattfindet, lernen Führungskräfte, Beziehungen und Vertrauen virtuell aufzubauen und gleichzeitig ihre Teams in die Lage zu versetzen, Initiative zu ergreifen, Probleme zu lösen und erfolgreiche Ergebnisse zu liefern.
Ein Teamleiter praktiziert for einen Laptop Führen auf Distanz anhand Remaote Leadership

100 %


only 48h

until the first coaching

highly efficient:

up to 4 x 45 minutes


top coaches

Learning goals

Defining virtual team rules

Coachees will learn to develop clear rules and firm agreements and help their team work smoothly and efficiently in a remote environment.

Building trust virtually

Enrollees will master new strategies to build virtual relationships with teams and individual members.

Organize information flow

Coach and coachee will discuss best practices that ensure an optimal flow of information within a team.

Finding the most suitable virtual leadership style

Finding the right management balance: How much trust is possible, and how much control is necessary?

There is a need for learning more leadership skills? Here is an overview of our other coaching topics in the area of leadership:

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